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Roulette Random Number Generator


Our team has created useful tools like payout and odds calculators for roulette players. Now, we're introducing a new tool - the Roulette Random Number Generator (RNG). The purpose of this tool is straightforward: to help players understand how the RNG operates. This is crucial because many roulette games rely on the Random Number Generator mechanism. Let's break down how it works:

  1. Select the number of spins
  2. Choose between European or American roulette.
  3. Click the "Generate" button, then check the list of generated numbers on the corresponding table.

NOTE! The table displaying the generated list includes the following fields:

  1. Round: The sequence number of spins
  2. Number: The winning number of the spin
  3. Color Group: Indicates the color group to which the winning number belongs - red, black, or green
  4. Group of Even/Odd: Similar to the above, but shows whether the winning number is even or odd
  5. Group of High/Low: Like the previous, it shows winning numbers based on whether they belong to the 1-18 (low) or 19-36 (high) range on the roulette table
  6. Tier Group: Indicates winning numbers according to their belonging to Tier, Voisins, Orphelines, and Zero bets numbers

Additionally, a separate section will display these metrics in percentage ratios for further clarity.

Why do you need Roulette Number Generator?

Earlier, we mentioned that the Random Number Generator is used in most roulette games. Since our tool is based on a random number generator, it reproduces winning numbers with the same probability as in the actual roulette game. That's why this tool can be helpful for both players who want to understand how roulette works and those who are developing their own strategies. After all, to test a strategy, you need to go through a minimum of 1000 spins, and this tool is perfect for that task.