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Gold Bar Roulette

Last updated: 01.03.2024 by Andrew Shepard
Release year 2022
Variation single zero
RTP 97.10%
Multipliers x88
Table limits Depends on casino

Best casino with Gold Bar Roulette

Mr.Play Casino
Table limits €0.2 - 4 000

Gold Bar Roulette is a fairly new game launched in July 2022. Like many other modern live roulette games, it is based on multipliers represented by “gold bars”. These bars are worth 88x and this may not seem like a big figure, especially when compared to other titles such as Xxxtreme Lightning Roulette, in which the multiplier can go as high as 500x. However, as we will explain below, Gold Bar Roulette gives more control to the player. By using your gold bars wisely, it is even possible to reach a payout as big as 10,000x.

Like many other live multiplier roulette games out there, this one is created by Evolution Gaming too. The studio says that they wanted to create a game as popular as Lightning Roulette but with less randomness by giving players control over what numbers will pay big. The game is streamed from the Evolution studios in Latvia and features a background designed as a bank vault filled with gold bars. Other than that, the interface is not different from any other European roulette variant: the wheel is in the middle and the table is at the bottom.

Gold Bar Roulette Features

Gold Bar Roulette is a European variant with a single zero. It has also racetrack bets (Voisins, Tiers, Orphelins, Zero). The wheel spins automatically – there is a host but he or she is there to entertain you, not to spin the wheel. At first sight, it looks like standard European roulette with racetrack bets. However, the gameplay is slightly different due to the “gold bars” feature.

  • Right after the wheel starts to spin, the host announces numbers that will award a gold bar. These are random numbers, and if you placed a bet on any of them, you will be qualified to win a bar, in addition to the regular payout of that bet. And if you win the bet, you get the bar + normal payout.
  • Each bar is worth 88x. However, they do not automatically multiply the payout of your bet. You decide when to use them – players can store each bar for up to 180 days.
  • Winning a straight bet (even if that bet is not one of the randomly chosen numbers) will award a bar too. Basically, you can keep getting gold bars by winning straight bets and/or winning the random numbers chosen by the game.

So, what happens afterward? This is where it gets interesting: you get to decide when to use your bars. You can, for example, use 5 of them on a straight bet and increase the payout 440 times (5 x 88). This way, it is even possible to reach a multiplier value of 10.000x.

While this is an interesting mechanic, it is not the only thing that differentiates Gold Bar Roulette from the rest. Straight bets in this game only pay 19:1 instead of the regular 35:1. When compared to other live roulette games with multipliers, this is not a bad figure. Xxxtreme Lightning Roulette pays 19:1, for example too. The regular Lightning Roulette, on the other hand, pays 29:1 for straight bets. All other payouts are the same as classic European roulette, this only affects straight bets. However, it also causes the RTP of the game to drop to 97,10% instead of 97,30%.

Gold Bar Roulette also contains regular features of Evolution titles, such as a statistics screen that shows the results of the last 500 spins, an autoplay feature that can place the same bet & join a new game automatically, and the ability to save & repeat our favorite bets with one click.

Bet Payout
Straight up 19:1
Split 17:1
Street 11:1
Corner 8:1
Six Line 5:1
Column 2:1
Dozen 2:1
Even/Odd 1:1
Red/Black 1:1
High/Low 1:1

Betting Limits

The minimum and maximum bets are different at each casino: there are no fixed values. 1 – 5.000 is the most common range we saw, but they are not standard values. Check the betting range before starting to play.

Pros & Cons of Gold Bar Roulette

  • Win gold bars (each worth 88x) and store them for 180 days
  • You get control over which bets & numbers to multiply
  • Features that make gameplay smoother (autoplay, favorite bets)
  • Luxury design that fits the theme perfectly
  • The maximum payout is only 500,000 if you don’t use gold bars
  • The RTP and straight bet payout are lower

Gold Bar Roulette Tips & Tricks

  • Focus on winning more bars

    The best trick is to focus on collecting as many bars as possible. Remember that you don’t have to rely on randomly chosen numbers: they can be won with straight bets too. So, using the minimum bet value, place as many single bets as possible – try to cover the table as much as you can. Bars have a shelf value of 180 days, and you should aim for creating a small treasure, so you can use it later to boost your winnings.

  • Don’t use all the bars on a single outcome

    It is possible to use all your bars on a straight bet and raise the multiplier value to amazing figures. Thing is, you will have a very small chance of winning such a bet, and once you lose it, you will lose your bars too. The best strategy is to scatter them: try different bets that cover multiple numbers, and place several wagers to create interesting combinations. Once you have your bars, you are not limited to single straight bets: you can use them on outside bets, for example, to get better winning chances.

  • Take advantage of gameplay features

    Gold Bar Roulette has an automatic wheel, and you don’t have much time to place new bets. In other words, placing multiple single bets (to collect as many bars as possible) will take time. Instead, you can turn multiple bets into a single bet by using the game features. Place a bet on “red” and this feature will automatically put a chip on all red numbers, for example. It will be much faster & practical.


Can I place multiple gold bars on each number and how it affects the multiplier?

Yes, you can place multiple gold bars on each number as long as you have enough bars to cover them. Each bar is worth 88x, which means the payout of that number/bet will be multiplied by 88. And if you place more bars, this figure will keep rising (i.e., placing three bars will make it 264x).

What is the RTP of Gold Bar roulette?

The RTP of Gold Bar Roulette is 97,10%. This also means that its house edge is 2,90%. These are slightly lower than classic European roulette (97,30% - 2,70%) and this is due to the lower payout of straight bets: they pay only 19:1, not 35:1.

How many gold bars can I place on one number?

There is no limit on the number of bars you can place on a number. As long as you have them, you can put as many as you want. That being said, this may not be a good strategy as the winning chance of a single number bet is pretty low, and if you lose the bet, you will lose your bars too.

What is the maximum possible payout in Gold Bar Roulette?

The maximum payout you can win in Gold Bar Roulette is 500.000, granted that you are not using gold bars. In other words, by playing the game like any other European roulette, you cannot win more than 500,000. If you use gold bars, however, the sky is the limit: even 10.000x multipliers are possible.

What is the best strategy for Gold Bar Roulette?

Focus on winning as many gold bars as possible in the beginning. Remember that you can keep them for 180 days, so try to collect as much as possible. Covering the table with straight bets is the best way to do this: use the minimum bet value. Once you have enough bars, you can spend them on multiple numbers.