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Quantum Roulette by Playtech

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Bonus 100% up to £100 Play now
Quantum Roulette Characteristics
Provider Playtech
House edge 2.7%
RTP 97.3%
Variation European
Table limits £0.2 - £3 000
Release year 2017

Quantum Roulette Playtech is an excellent title that you will be happy to explore on your own time. The game makes it easy to get involved in the game and enjoy a massive multiplier which could yield up to 500x on a straight-up bet. The idea to implement even bigger multipliers is a nice addition to the game, which make every spin you take there a little more exciting and brings you just a notch closer to winning big.

The multiplier gameplay is a good and lasting theme, but you will soon find out that this version of the game has a brilliant set of mechanics that makes every spin a moveable feast whether a multiplier ends up dropping on the lines or not. The basis of the game is the single-wheel you will find in the European iteration, which is neatly sprinkled with a few twists to ensure that you are having a blast every step of the way.

Features of Quantum Roulette

The game of Quantum Roulette Live is a standard, somewhat innovated variation of the European game. You will still find the single zero wheel, which is there to make your game the best possible live experience any casino has to offer you. This means that the wheel will give you a great overall edge, but what sets this game apart is its multipliers.

  • The multipliers will range from 50x up to 500x.
  • You can bet on both Inside and Outside Bets.
  • A single zero increases your chance to win!

Now, you may be wondering - how does Quantum Roulette work? You will be able to bet on both Inside and Outside Bets. The ones that trigger the Quantum feature the straight-up bets you want to trigger.

However, keep in mind that non-multiplier, straight-up bets will pay less than the usually 35:1 at 29:1 instead. The live dealer here will have no control over the wheel, controlled by compressed air to guarantee completely independent results. The RNG will make sure that the outcome of those spins is down to chance. The multipliers are announced prior to the roulette wheel being spun.

Table limits

Bet Payout Minimum Maxiumum
Straight up 29:1 0.2 150
Split 17:1 0.2 300
Street 11:1 0.2 500
Corner 8:1 0.2 600
Six Line 5:1 0.2 1 000
Column 2:1 0.2 2 000
Dozen 2:1 0.2 2 000
Even/Odd 1:1 0.2 3 000
Red/Black 1:1 0.2 3 000
High/Low 1:1 0.2 3 000

Pros and cons

Just like most versions of the game, you will be happy to know that the game has plenty of upsides to it. Sure, there are a few “blemishes” that you may not be entirely happy with, but overall, Roulette Quantum is very easy to play. The bonus multiplier will take your game to the next level, but let’s take a look at the available pros and cons.

  • Unfortunately, the straight-up bets pay only 29:1
  • A great game with promo features readily built in
  • Easy to get into and requiring nominal deposits
  • Available to UK players and offering great HD quality
  • A single zero to give you the best chance of winning
  • Numerous multipliers up to 500x on your bet
  • Easy to follow gameplay and guaranteed RNG

Rules of Quantum Roulette

If you are looking for a quick way to learn the rules of Live Quantum Roulette, you can rest assured that you won’t have to spend too much time figuring out how things work. It’s all a straightforward process that you will come to appreciate yourself. To get started, simply choose the size of your bet.

This version of the game has the same rule as European Roulette. Only you will have a special feature to watch out for. If you choose to bet on straight-up bets, it’s where the game’s multipliers are. The multipliers start at 50x and go all the way up to 500x.

Once you lock in your bet, the Quantum feature will be triggered, assigning multipliers to random straight-up selections. Then the wheel will spin, and you will collect your winnings accordingly.


If you are looking for a great winning Quantum Roulette strategy, we recommend to dig up some of the best stratagems usually used by players in European Roulette. Of course, you will have to factor in the promo feature that is the multiplier. This is incidentally the best part about the game.

There are some great Inside Bet strategies to try. Either way, Quantum Roulette is one of the best variations you will explore to date! Even if you don’t get the 500x multiplier, you will find the elegant setting and great live dealer performance to be fantastic opportunities to enjoy one of your favourite games in a crisp and fresh wrapping.

Review author Chris Mwangi Chris Mwangi

Chris Mwangi is a head of copywriting department at Roulette77. He is a passionate roulette player, knows everything about betting systems, strategies, some secret techniques and all possible variations of this game. Сurrently lives in Malta and manages army of copywriters and translators, and brings gambling enlightenment through the world