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Orphelins Bet

Last updated: 01.03.2024 by Andrew Shepard

Orphelins is one of the racetrack bets and is usually found in the French variant of roulette but also in some European variants. This is a word meaning “orphans” and describes a bet that covers 8 numbers in total. These numbers are in opposite sectors of the roulette wheel and consist of 17, 34, 6 (first sector), 1, 20, 14, 31, and 9 (second sector). In this respect, it is similar to the Voisins du Zero bet, but with fewer numbers, the chance to win is also lower (21.62%) for the same reason. You can play this bet like this:

This means you place 5 chips (i.e., 5 different wagers) per spin. There are four different outcomes that can happen:

  • Winning the straight bet: Payout will be 1:31 after other wagers are deducted. The probability of this happening is 2.70%.
  • Winning one of the 6+9 or 31+34 bets: You get a 1:13 return, and your chance of winning is 10.81%.
  • Winning one of the 14+17 or 17+20 bets: The return odds will still be 1:13, but the odds of winning (5.41%) are lower as both bets contain the same number (17).
  • Losing: You have a 78.38% chance of losing the Orphelins bet.
Orphelins Bet
Odds 21.62%
Numbers Covered 8
Payouts 31 / 13

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Testing the Orphelins Bet in a Roulette Simulator

We ran a simulation using Google Sheets to see how profitable the Orphelins bet would be in the long run. In this simulation, we used four players, gave each of them a bankroll of 1,000 GBP, and made 1,000 spins. Below you can see the simulation results.

Orphelins Bet test

We can say that the results are quite interesting: Orphelins is more effective in the long run, despite offering a lower chance of winning than Voisins du Zero overall. Despite the 78.38% chance of losing, we lost no more than 5 GBP per spin. Two players managed to get above their initial bankroll after 1,000 spins. We can say that the Orphelins bet is profitable in the long run compared to other racetrack bets.

Tips and Strategies for Using the Orphelins Strategy

Like all racetrack bets, you can integrate the Orphelins bet into existing roulette strategies and systems. Below we show you three ways to do this.

d’Alembert Method (with Orphelins and Tiers)

Here's what you need to do to use the d'Alembert betting strategy with Orphelins:

  • Place bets on Orphelins and Tiers, as can be seen in the image below.
  • If you lose, increase the wager amount by 1 unit.
  • If you win, reduce the wager amount by 1 unit.
d’Alembert with Orphelins and Tiers

With this system, you will place 11 chips/wagers per round and cover 20 of the 37 possible outcomes. This increases the chance of winning to 54.05%. Compared to Martingale, you can recover your losses much faster with this method.

Orphelins and Neighbors Strategy

To use this strategy, do these step-by-step:

  • Start by placing an Orphelins bet.
  • If you lose on the first spin, place additional bets on three adjacent numbers next to one of Orphelin's sectors. For example, place a bet on 21, 2, 25, and 13, 27, and 36 as well since they are neighbours of 17, 34, and 6. Orphelins and Neighbors System
  • If you lose again, add three more adjacent numbers from both sectors. Orphelin sector
  • If the next spin results in another loss, bet again on all numbers from the previous round and double the wager amount.
  • When a win occurs, return to the base wager amount and repeat the entire cycle.

To put it simply, we basically use the Martingale strategy, but with each round that results in a loss, we add more numbers to increase coverage.

Final Words

Orphelins is the most straightforward of the racetrack bets and is surprisingly simple despite requiring multiple wagers. It is possible to say that it is more effective than other French bets (e.g., Voisins du Zero) that follow a similar principle, especially when looking at the long-term results. Of course, it does not guarantee a win, but there are not many options in racetrack bets that result in a profit in the long run. We recommend using it together with a roulette strategy and developing your own custom system to increase its effectiveness. The Orphelins bet has more than enough flexibility for this.

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